Recovery Alive

Recovery ALIVE prioritizes the Power of Jesus through the Holy Spirit to raise Hope From The Dead. Recovery ALIVE is an organic, living program, representing a living God. 

Recovery ALIVE works through a 12 step recovery process to promote healthy change centered around “3 P’s”, the POWER of Recovery, the PEOPLE of Recovery, and the PROCESS of Recovery. 

Our program harnesses the unchanging truth of Jesus Christ and His word to a living, organic process, in order to reach and ministry to an ever-changing world. 

Join us LIVE HERE!


Friday Night Lineup

Power Group


A time to center ourselves on Jesus as our higher power. A time to grow through lessons & testimonies

People Groups


A time to share safely and openly in gender specific groups

Ra Cafe


A time to gather together for conversation, coffee  and snacks


Kids & youth Programs



A safe play place for 0-4 year olds

Adventures Alive


A kid friendly group to teach K-5th grade coping and pre-recovery skills

Young & Alive


A group targeted to teach middle and high school students much needed life & recovery skills

For questions and additional information